Whenua ora, Wai ora, Tangata ora.
Land, water and people flourishing together.
We believe a new era of clarity, unity and harmony with the natural world is the key to meaningful social and ecological change in Te Tai Tokerau.
We call this the emergence into Te Ao Mārama (The World of Enlightenment).
Te Ao Mārama represents the ‘next system’, a world free from confusion, competition, and conflict; a new world of clarity and peace inspired by kinship, balance, and reciprocity with the natural world.
As a connectivity catalyst, we support Northland’s communities to form the connections and weave the relationships required for Te Ao Mārama to emerge.
We work on the ground to facilitate and collaborate, bringing communities, agencies and resources together to support regenerating ecosystems across the region.
A new way for syndicated investment.
The Basket of Connections
Landscape-scale impacts
Regenerative revenue streams for communities