Whenua ora, Wai ora, Tangata ora.

Land, water and people flourishing together.


Our vision is that 'In three generations, Northland is a flourishing tapestry of abundant and resilient natural ecosystems.'

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various outdoor activities

Our Purpose

We believe a new era of clarity, unity and harmony with the natural world is the key to meaningful social and ecological change in Te Tai Tokerau.

We call this the emergence into Te Ao Mārama (The World of Enlightenment).

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Te Ao Mārama represents the ‘next system’, a world free from confusion, competition, and conflict; a new world of clarity and peace inspired by kinship, balance, and reciprocity with the natural world.

A Connectivity Catalyst

As a connectivity catalyst, we support Northland’s communities to form the connections and weave the relationships required for Te Ao Mārama to emerge.

We work on the ground to facilitate and collaborate, bringing communities, agencies and resources together to support regenerating ecosystems across the region.

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People walking a path

The Gifts We Bring

Reconnecting Northland's four key strategies

Connectivity Partnership

A new way for syndicated investment.

Te Kete Hononga

The Basket of Connections

Tapere (district)

Landscape-scale impacts

Nature-Based Enterprise

Regenerative revenue streams for communities

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"Reconnecting Northland has taken people out of working in isolation, and they are now working together more."

Olly Knox

Hokianga Harbour Care

"The other thing I like is the use of technology … [building] capability around data sovereignty, taking it out of the hands of institutions."

Peter Bruce-Iri


"The kaimahi [trainees] are developing new skills, they're hungry for learning and bettering themselves .. Having these certificates has made it easier to get contracts with other agencies … and get jobs with other organisations."

Storm Tautari

All Out Contracting

"Reconnecting Northland supported me in my decisions and didn't say what to do or what not to do … so the final plan reflected the community's wishes. They supported me all the way through, by never limiting me, always lifting me up and having belief in me."

Pettania Hohaia


"Reconnecting Northland holds a unique place without any baggage, they can have conversations with communities that the Department of Conservation can't have, because they're not a government organisation."

Sue Reed-Thomas

"I see Reconnecting Northland as one of the leading organisations who work across boundaries and land tenure to pursue the most effective restoration outcomes possible. It's a stunning example of weaving together local wisdom and global vision, working to the strengths of its partners to achieve transformation for Northland ecosystems and prosperity on an intergenerational scale."

Martin Rodd, Chief Advisor

Strategic Partnerships, DOC​

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Our Funders


With Support From


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