Established in 2012, we consist of a small executive team, a board of independent trustees and a network of community, agency and expert partners.
Our strength lies in our ethos: that nature (people included) thrives when inter-connected.
We call ourselves Connectivity Catalysts - fostering collaboration across Northland, activating pathways to nature-based jobs and thriving ecosystems.
The Reconnecting Northland programme is overseen by a Board of between three and nine Trustees and two Advisory Trustees.
The board bring a diversity of skills and experience to provide a governance role in helping to develop, approve and monitor the Reconnecting Northland Trust's strategy, policies and key systems.
The Board also appoints the Pou Manatū and ensures performance targets are met and approves major expenditure via approval of an annual business plan.
The board currently meet on a regular quarterly basis to ensure they deliver this role effectively. All of our Trustees are volunteers.
Liz is an experienced Director who brings: a passion for the environment, strategic ideas to support transformational change and philanthropic fundraising experience to the Board. She runs a boutique private equity investment company and advisory firm where she assists companies with international expansion.
"Community groups across Northland are embracing the huge challenge of ecological restoration. It’s an exciting and humbling experience to support those efforts as part of the RN team.”
Deputy Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson
At home in the bush” Paul enjoys working to preserve and enhance the extensive native bush on both his own farm as well as on other people’s farms. He has significant experience in the primary industries, living on and running a family farm in the Whangarei district when not working as an Agribusiness Consultant. An experienced Director, with a passion for New Zealand’s flora and fauna, Paul enjoys tramping in the New Zealand bush in his spare time.
“Northland is lucky to have more remnant indigenous ecosystems than many regions of New Zealand, and I am excited to help RN to achieve its vision for the good of all Northlanders”
'We are fortunate in Northland that we have an abundance of habitat, what we need to do is manage that habitat so that the native species living there are protected and can flourish. The unique perspective that Reconnecting Northland brings is planning for biodiversity in a productive setting that recognizes people are part of the solution, not just the cause of the problem.'